

Build Active Transmembrane Nanomachines

Our society relies on machines and engines, and so does life. Molecular motors are widely found in different biosystems, e.g. the famous FoF1 ATP synthase motor that produces the fuel for our cells. Their sophisticated structures and functions established the foundations of the dynamics in the cellular world. The question ahead, for us, is how do we learn from them and can we build such nanomotors ourselves. Can we build such motors at the nanoscale? The fantastic world of biology has given us a positive answer.

Towards this aim, we, together with our collaborators, join forces and combine our expertise in nanofluidics and DNA technology to design, build and drive a DNA-based biomimetic rotary motor in membranes. Much like the intricate and elusive motor proteins in biosystems, these synthetic motors at the nanoscale will shed light on the further understanding of the biological and chemical process of their real-world counterparts and demonstrate the possibility of controlling the directed rotary motion of nanomachinery by the

Current Projects


Nanomotor-powered membrane machines!

Inspired by ATP synthase and bacterial flagella motors, we design and construct DNA-turbine-driven nanomachines within biocompatible membranes.

Join the project as:

Master's Student
Bachelor's Student

Funding source:


Project MembraneMachines


New frontiers for nanomotors!

Let's try some bold new ideas on membrane-based nanomotors!

Join the project as:

Master's Student
Bachelor's Student

Funding source:


Project MembraneMachines


Faster, smaller, and stronger!

How small can DNA-based nanoturbines be? How much can we push their efficiency? Can we ever match the marvel of natural motors?

Join the project as:

Master's Student
Bachelor's Student

Funding source:



Nanobox: Nanomotor performance testing with precision

We combine nanopore technology, single-molecule localization microscopy, and force spectroscopy to develop the next-generation testing platform for benchmarking both artificial and natural motors! Join us if you like programming, building Legos, or flashing lasers!

Join the project as:

Master's Student
Bachelor's Student
Job Student

* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or ERC. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

a artistic illustration of a DNA turbine 3D model on its blueprints

Image Cees Dekker Lab / SciXel